Sunday, August 07, 2005

gold flakes

greetings from the ganges,

Well, India is not relaxing.

It's filled with tests, and lessons. You ask five completely different people from a street beggar to the concierge at a five star hotel the same question. You get 5 answers. Some are liars, some just don't know, mysterious. It's a challenge i'm up for, but it's not easy. The real people I've met here are amazing. Big ups to my man Roy & Pankaj Choudry at Hanuman Ghat and, my new friend Loren all the way from the upper west side.

Yesterday I visited Sarnath. The site of the Buddhas first teaching, incredible in the pouring rain, dozens of stray dogs racing around the ruins.

I'm here in Varanasi one more afternoon, then I'm off to Johdpur by way of 24 hour train ride back through Dehli. The food, Whoa, and no sickness. I'm careful to eat in busy hotels & restaraunts. I've seen cremations and the remains delivered out into the river. Lots of people swim in there, not me I swim at the Taj Ganga resort. Stefan did you swim in there? All the locals chew this wierd tobacco stuff called betlenut. It rots their teeth and they spit huge amounts of this red juice, look out for that.

The rickshaw rides are like your worst ny taxi experience times 10. What else...People pee and crap everywhere right in front of you...they don't have trash cans, so lot's of garbage everywhere. Don't worry the cows will eat it.



Blogger Pavan Ashwini said... now I am almost done reading all your notes...good stuff. Goose bumps out of happiness.

12:54 PM  

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